Tag Archives: Canongate Publishing

And now the end is near

28 Mar

Saturday was our last full day at the Faber Academy, and what a day it was.  In the morning we met with Francis Bickmore, Senior Fiction Editor of Canongate Books who spoke to us at length about the publishing business including how to stay sane as a writer.  He also forced us to write a mock submission letter (in 5 mins) and critiqued them.  What a bonus to get it straight from the horse’s mouth what he wants to hear – as little as possible while getting over the salient points.

Then in the afternoon it was the turn of Derek Johns from AP Watt agency to amaze us.  He came at the whole ‘how-to-get-published’ problem from a different angle, but was equally enlightening.  We all left really bouyed up and terrified in equal measure and had to console ourselves with lots of wine and a deep fried mars bar (NB. one between 6 is a good ratio).

Now all that remains is a 7 minute reading from each of us on Tuesday night, and then probably more drinking (although I’ll be back on the Irn Bru as I’ve got to drive on Tues or can’t get there in time).  Janice didn’t want to put us under too much pressure, so we’ve only got to read out our best ever writing before she lets us loose into the big bad world again.  Looks like I’ve got 2 days of re-writes ahead to get a perfect 1000 words.